| 1. | On the burden of producing evidence and the burden of proof 论举证责任与证明责任 |
| 2. | On burden of producing evidence and burden of proof 论公安司法机关的举证责任与证明责任 |
| 3. | The core of the principles of imputation is the allocation of the burden of producing evidence 归责原则的核心是过错举证责任分配原则。 |
| 4. | The presumption has transferred only the burden of producing evidence , not the burden of persuasion 其中,推定转移给被告人的仅仅是提供证据责任,而并不转移说服责任。 |
| 5. | The distribution of burden of proof and burden of producing evidence and its accomplishment under the background of criminal procedure reformation 刑事诉讼改革背景下证明责任与举证责任分配及其完善 |
| 6. | In order to resolve the above contradiction , the burden of proof was divided into the burden of producing evidence and the burden of persuasion 为了解决这一矛盾,证明责任开始分化为提供证据责任与说服责任。 |
| 7. | For example , in both the legal systems , the burden of producing evidence is the " ramification " of the burden of proof 通过比较可以看出,无论大陆法系还是英美法系,举证责任(提供证据责任)都是证明责任在诉讼中的“派生” 。 |
| 8. | One ( the burden of producing evidence ) shifts , the other ( the burden of proof ) does not . based on the result of comparative research , this thesis tries to study the relevant question in china 就我国来讲,从以前简单从提供证据的责任论文摘要、中文)作为该领域问题的主导思想,到最新的司法解释确立证明责任解决问题的思想,我国的理论和实践都已经发生了相当的变革。 |
| 9. | In ownership returning petition right of , this part analyzes the principal components , content and burden of producing evidence of ownership returning petition right and probes whether the returning petition right shall be independently transferred . the author holds that the returning petition right shall not in nature be independently transferred 在所有物返还请求权中,分析了所有物返还请求权的构成要件、内容和举证责任,并对返还请求权可否独立让与的问题进行了探讨,认为返还请求权依其性质不存在独立让与的问题。 |
| 10. | This article expounds the burden of proof from 3 aspects : the general principal of evidential burden of administrative action , the allocation of burden of evidential burden and the time limit of burden of producing evidence . it introduces some related western theories concerning evidential burden , analyzes and evaluates the good points and short - comings of our country ' s evidential burden of 在研究这些问题时,介绍了西方国家对举证责任的相关理论,分析评价了我国行政诉讼举证责任理论的长短得失,指出了西方国家理论及我国刑事、民事举证责任理论对行政诉讼举证责任理论的借鉴意义,并提出了理论研究与立法的完善对解决行政审判实际问题的意义。 |